
Back to School Lunch Box Ideas

- Posted on: 02/09/2021 -

Back to School Lunch Box Ideas


As school comes back around so does the dread of coming up with new and exciting lunch ideas every day, especially ones that your kids will eat! 


In this blog we are going to share some of our simple and favourite back to school lunches to help give you some inspiration!!


1. Hummus, Pitta Bread & Carrot Sticks

2. Grilled chicken & cheese wrap, yoghurt, granola bar and mixed fruit. 

3. Cheese, Crackers & Apple, yoghurt and a granola bar

4. Ham & cheese bagel, pom bear crisps & a yoghurt.

5. Slices of apple with a spoon of chocolate spread, sweet chili chicken wrap and rice cakes.

6. Cheese pasta, orange slices, a yoghurt bar and a banana.


A great tip is to prepare the kids school lunches the night before school to avoid that rush in the morning! Also getting your kids to help prepare their lunch in the evening is a great way to get them ready for the time when they must start preparing their own lunches!

Let us know if these quick and simple lunch box ideas helped you out!

lunch box 2


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