
Polar Bear Day - 5 tips to Become more Eco-Friendly

- Posted on: 20/02/2020 -

5 tips to become more eco-friendly this Polar Bear's Day

Here at Vienna Woods Hotel we are committed to a green and sustainable future. We see it as part of our social duty to ensure that we take the necessary steps in order to reduce the impact we have on the environment. This February 27th, join us in celebrating Polar Bear Day and follow our 5 easy steps, you can take to become more eco friendly.


1.       Reusable Bags

Plastic is the enemy of our oceans and with so much rubbish clogging it up its easy to see why. Making a small few changes in your daily life can help a lot. When going to the  shop, bring a reusable bag or reuse a plastic bag. Reusable bags may be a little more expensive to buy but they are more durable than plastic or paper bags and will save you money in the longrun.


2.       Turn it OFF not Standby

When using electronics make sure you turn it off at the wall and it's not left in standby mode. Turning it off at the wall will stop the device from consuming needless energy. Most devices only use a slightly lower amount of energy when in standby mode as it is still turned on. This tip will not only help you save the environment but also help you save money too!


3.       Fix it

The throw away culture of today’s society means we are producing more than ever and also disposing more than ever. Reduce your carbon footprint by fixing what you can, reducing the need to buy replacements. Stitching clothes or getting old technology like phones or TVs repaired instead of throwing them out will reduce the impact on our environment.


4.       Switch to rags instead of paper

When doing a bit of cleaning cut up some old t shirts and use them as rags instead of using paper towels. Rags can be rinsed and reused as needed and will be a lot more durable than paper towels. It will give the t-shirt a second life and save you money!


5.       Try a cold wash

Next time you’re putting on a wash try a cold setting. An estimated 75% - 90% of energy used by a washing machine is put into heating the water. A cold wash will help get stains out as well as making it less likely that your clothes will shrink.  This tip will also save you money on electricity bills! 


Everyone at Vienna Woods Hotel is committed to a green future and to do so we must minimise our waste and usage of energy and water.  We promise to continue :


  • Using energy efficiently light bulbs
  • We monitor our consumption of electricity, water and gas
  • Use of email and screen when possible
  • Turn off all lights when leaving a room
  • Ensuring taps are fully turned off
  • Buy in bulk
  • Separate our rubbish
  • Use of reusable glass bottles
  • One key-card per bedroom to reduce the risk of lights unnecessarily being left on.
  • Biodegradable straws
  • Regularly review our menu and orders to reduce food waste

We also want to hear from you. Check out our posts on FaceBook and instagram and tell us what we can do to become more eco friendly.



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